Marvin Boucher -- Room 213
Mr. B

Salutations! I would like to take this time to say, " One will take a Risk when wanting to learn something new." I ask we take the risk. Failure is not reached if we continue to try to gail knowledge.Agai,today I am taking that risk into the world of technology that I fear. My name is Mr. Boucher. I am in my eighth year here at Marcy making this my 25th year with Minneapolis schools and 35th overall as a teacher/coach. I am Married with two children, Alyssa and Andrew. I am a coach of wrestling and football. I love the outdoors and enjoy great conversation. Please see the year at a glance document to see waht we plan to cover throughout the year. 

 We are  working on Data Collection for Forces and Motion which falls into gravity and NEWTON'S LAWS. This unit covers simple machines as well.


LandformsThe "Landforms" module develops concepts in physical geography and mapping.  Students use stream tables to simulate the creation of landforms.  They then create and use topographic maps that describe landforms.   (5 activities) 


The "Environments" module introduces students to a variety of different plants and animals and their environments.  Structured investigations in both terrestrial and aquatic systems develop the concepts of environmental factor, tolerance, environmental preference, and environmental range.  (6 activities)