All absences must be reported to the Health Office/Attendence Line at 612.668.1027 by an adult; students should not call to report their own absence. Should your child miss multiple days, please call the Attendence Line each day. It is best to call the Atendence Line before 9:00 a.m.
When calling before 9:00 a.m., be prepared to leave a detailed voicemail message and please speak slowly and clearly. Include the followng information when leaving a voicemail:
Voicemail message example
Hello. My name is Marian Cunnigham and I am calling about my son, Richie. He is in homeroom 303 and will not be at school today because he has a fever.
A written note from a parent or guardian will be required for any absence not reported to the Health Office/Attendence Line. A member of the staff will attempt to reach parents/guardians should a child not arrive at school and notified of an absence.
Avoid truancy prcedures
Students with unreported absences may be considered truant. Marcy's social worker is responsible for filing truancy with the appropriate county officials. Three unexcused absences or tardies will result in truancy procedures.