January 20, 2017

Hello 110 Families,


We had a short but productive week. We are continuing to work hard during math and reading, and are wrapping up our writing about the history of money. On Monday we are beginning a science unit about solids and liquids. The processes we will be exploring include observing, communicating, comparing, and organizing. These are fundamental for developing a scientific understanding of the world around us. It is also a lot of fun.


Today, Friday, our buddies are visiting and we have an assembly. Next week, we have no school on Friday, January 27.


Please make sure that your child has warm clothes to wear outside.  They should have hats, mittens, scarves and warm jackets.  Snow pants add extra warmth and are good for when we get some more snow.  Boots are recommended as well. Let me know if you are having a hard time getting these items for your child. Also, extra clothes are great to have incase they get wet outside.



Have a great weekend,

Rachel Herder and Alex Schluender



Next week:


Sharing –

Monday – Bilal

Tuesday - Casey

Wednesday – Davon

Thursday – Eliah

Friday – NO SCHOOL



Centers –


Monday – Music

Tuesday – Gym

Wednesday – Art

Thursday – Music

Friday – NO SCHOOL




What we’re doing in:


Reading: We are identifying and using text features. This includes making predictions using the contents page, reading dialogue and punctuation, and noticing changes in the print.


Math: We are working on place value and thinking about strategies we use when putting together and taking apart numbers to solve problems. We are working on our skip counting: counting by 2, 5, and 10.


Science: We will be exploring solids and liquids through experimentation and observation. The scientists will be recording their learning in their science notebook.



·      Fridays are tie-dye Fridays and students are encouraged to where tie dye to show Marcy Pride.

·      Please check your child’s Friday folder every week.

·      No toys at school.