Marcy 14, 2013

Happy March!

Welcome to Coretta who has joined our class!

I have been busy administering reading assessments again. I noticed a huge jump with some students and was trying different books and thought I’d just test them all to see where they are at. So the good news is they have grown. Ask them what their ‘just right’ level is now.

Hopefully your child is being responsible to check out treasure books daily so you can see this growth. They are out every morning with many verbal reminders to pick a new one. If your child isn’t doing this job, talk to them about it. Better yet, have them read their old treasure book a couple times each night until they get so bored of it that they decide to take the 2 minutes to pick a new one in the morning!  Responsibility is a trait that develops over time, so be patient and help them feel the logical consequence of forgetting!

Our week at a glance:
Reading: We started our poetry unit. We are reading poems and talking about the poetry features of rhyme, simile, regular beat, alliteration, repeated lines, onomatopoeia, and metaphor. They LOVE it!!!!
Math: We started our addition and subtraction unit. Working hard on what number comes before or after other numbers.  We are learning to skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s (class books will be visiting your home).    
Writing: We are writing poems. We wrote a cinquain poem about ourselves, color poem and a talk to it poem. Your children are great poets!
Social Studies: We took our pre-assessment for our geography unit. Noticed students weren’t using positional words to describe where things are located. We will start our unit and teaching the use of those words next week. (in front of, behind, next to, over, under, near, far, above and below).

Next week:  
Monday: Gym, media, Art Adventure
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: Gym, Nutrition class (Part 3 of a 4-week series), Coretta’s birthday
Thursday: Art
Friday: Gym, Big Buddies
Sight (star) words: so, but

Friday Folders- 
For writing homework, there is a 2-sided page. Make sure your child does his/her best work in forming the letters!

Math homework requires your help.  This is the first of many like this.  The instructions are clear that you read the story problem to your child and help your child pick ‘just right numbers.’ You may want to start with the easiest number set if you are unsure and see how that goes before giving more difficult numbers. The numbers should make your child think, but not get frustrated.  Have your child figure out the answer and THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT IS THAT THEY SHOW HOW THEY FIGURED IT OUT USING PICTURES OR SHOWING THEIR STRATEGY!!!! We don’t want to see 3 + 5 = 8. This doesn’t tell us how they solved it. Instead drawing a group of 3 and a group of 5 and writing the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4,….8 would show their thinking. Or perhaps they put 5 in their head and counted on 3 (6, 7, 8).  They would draw a head with 5 by it and fingers with 6, 7, 8 above them. 

*Remember the math sheet sent home a month ago with 3 different ways to solve the same problem…..think of that when you are helping your student with the story problem. 

Food donation bag for our Marcy Food drive is in the folders.

Book order is in the folder. They are due FRIDAY, March 22 (I have the wrong date on the form).