INFORMATION FOR FAMILIES Welcome back to another exciting year at Marcy!
Here is some basic information that will help us organize your child's school experience. COMMUNICATION If you wish to get a hold of me for any reason, I am available through the following methods: *A note may be brought to me via your child. *Email: *School phone: 612.668.1020 RECESS Marcy Open School has a policy that states that if a parent or guardian feels that a child is not well enough to go to recess she/he is probably not well enough to attend school. Recess will be held outside unless it is raining or the temperature is below zero. Please remind your child to dress appropriately for the weather. BREAKFAST Breakfast is available each morning. This meal is free of charge for every student at Marcy. HOMEWORK EXPECTATIONS *Math is assigned Monday-Thursday each week (unless we were testing during class). *Unfinished Work is considered homework. *20-30 minutes of reading is recommended each night. *All work should be completed in pencil unless stated to do in color. Please be sure your child has an adequate supply of pencils and other basic supplies.
SCHEDULE FOR ROOM 203 8:45-9:10 Morning Meeting
9:10-10:10 Integrated Writer's Workshop --Science
10:10-10:40 Recess
10:40-11:05 Lunch
11:10-12:30 Integrated Reader's Workshop--Social Studies --Word Study
12:30-1:25 Centers
1:30-2:45 Math
2:45-3:00 Word Study--Read Aloud
3:00-3:05 Clean-up and Dismissal
Join us anytime,